Saturday, January 9, 2010

Walk Around the Block

January 6 2010

What a simple thing it is to walk around the block. Even a three-sided block like the one where I live…it’s as easy as putting on your boots and jacket and heading out the door. How weird that for so long I’ve had this in my mind as a much greater chore. It is 29 degrees in Manomet, but direct sun can still manage to melt the snow in areas.

Snow crushed into a dirt road reminds me of sugary gingerbread dough and now I’m hungry for a holiday cookie. At the end of my road, at the edge of the woods, I love to look beyond the gate...thru the trees I can hear the ocean. Due to tricky New England storms, the stairs leading from the landing down to the beach have been removed until April. But that doesn’t keep people from heading as far as they can go to stare at the view or to walk on snowy sand.

Another “McMansion” is going up on the coast. Enormous and breathing down on its neighbor… One more, cozy cape house gobbled up by “the monolith”. And little abandoned and dilapidated #9 still clings to existence on its prime real estate of semi-oceanfront property - its owners obviously with the luxury of holding out for millions and millions of dollars. Yet I love to see that little house still there, staking its claim, and reminding me of a time when the landscape near an ocean respected the cliffs and sewage capacities. I guess between little dilapidated #9, and its McMansion neighbor…it is arguable which is the greater eyesore.

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