Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tribute to Buzzy's Roast Beef, and the "Hamma Jamma"

Back when Buzzy’s Roast Beef inhabited a corner in Central Square they made a crazy and delicious breakfast sandwich called the “Hamma Jamma”. Of course, this place was known for its incredible roast beef, but for now, the focus is breakfast. At Buzzy’s in the early morning hours, with the city of Cambridge still snoozing for the most part, and the grill all fired up, there was anticipation for a tangy flavor explosion to start a person’s day.
The Hamma Jamma is simple enough but with a unique twist that sends different signals thru the brain in happy ways. It begins with sautéing onions on the grill (or pan) so that they are soft and carmelized, not blackened or dried out. This part is essential – the onions must laze around the ham in just the right way – they shouldn’t be stressed out. Next is frying a few slices of good deli ham. Blackened ham edges = okay; blackened onions = bad. It’s easier to build with the ham if you cut it up a little before cooking, either in ribbons or bigger pieces. Fry two eggs – broken yolks are optional. Melt cheese over the eggs.

Toast bun halves lightly and smear some jam on each half – Buzzy’s used grape jam and it was sinful and perfect for this sandwich. Can also use strawberry, blackberry, etc., but stick to a dark jam. Something about the combination of all these flavors is perfect!

1 comment:

  1. WOW-WEEEEEEE! that's like breakfast mixed with dessert! YUMMERS
